Director Hynek Bočan and Moravian writer Jan Kostrhun first teamed up in 1979 while making an adaptation of the novella Černé ovce (Black Sheep). They went on to create feature films such as Pytláci (Poachers, 1981) and Vinobraní (The Grape Harvest, 1982). Their motion picture Tvář za sklem (The Face behind the Glass) saw the return of Bočan to filmmaking –after his political opinions caused him to fall into disfavour at Prague’s Barrandov film studios, he suffered a ban. Using the format of a family drama, he was permitted to touch on a taboo theme of the 1950s, which the film industry commissioners – viewing things through the lens of the period of “normalisation” – addressed with ideologically distorted points of view. The dignified hero of Tvář za sklem is a father, Tůma (Miroslav Macháček), who opposed “collectivisation” and ended up in jail after murdering a communist agitator. Tůma´s son (Jaromír Hanzlík) – now the chairman of an agricultural collective – tries to build a relationship with his alienated father. And he will succeed, largely because this explosively dramatic story was obliged to have an optimistic outcome.
Petr Tůma is a young manager of a cooperative farm in a Moravian village. He is married and has two children. For many years he has not made a contact with his father, who in the 1950s opposed the enforced collectivization of farms in Moravian villages. At that time, the promoter of collectivization was shot and Tůma was accused and later also sentenced to many years in prison. His son Petr was brought up by his ill mother and her friend Kadlec. After serving his sentence, Tůma, the father, accepts a job of a coachman in his native village. Petr wants to make peace with his father and move his whole family to live with him. Petr's wife, Anděla, however, refuses the plan. She does not want to leave, although it would only mean to move to the next village. Petr's first visit of his father does not go too well. Tůma, the father, comes to meet his son's family at the station, but does not recognize Petr. Tůma gets hurt during forest work and thanks to Petr, he receives proper medical treatment. Petr stays with his father for the night, but does not tell him that his wife and children do not want to move. The next day, Tůma, the father, takes his coach and goes to pick up his daughter in law and grandchildren. Anděla refuses him, but the father in law stays and waits in front of the house overnight. In the end, the young woman decides to follow her husband and the young teacher, who was pursuing Anděla, stays on his own.
Ing. Petr Tůma, předseda JZD
kočí Tůma, Petrův otec
Václav Kadlec, předseda JZD
knihovnice Anděla, Petrova žena
Tůmová, Petrova matka
Voice by Karolina Slunéčková
Kadlecova žena
krmič Riška
Hlinka, milenec Karličky
předseda JZD Ing. Petr Tůma jako dítě
agitátor z města
Lenka, dcera Petra a Anděly
Jeník, syn Petra a Anděly
Karlík, syn Karličky
mladá účetní
příslušník SNB
příslušník SNB
příslušník SNB
mladík z hloučku
řidič tahače
dívka z hloučku
Jan Kostrhun (Černé ovce – román)
Jiří Žák, P. Hořejší, Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Karel Prchal, Vladimír Tišer
Václav Veruněk
Hana Hebrová (klapka), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
Orchestr Ladislava Štaidla (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac), Cimbálová muzika Zavádka Čejkovice
Tvář za sklem
Tvář za sklem
The Face behind the Glass
Jedno okno ještě svítí
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 29 March 1978
start of filming 9 August 1978
technical Screenplay approved 5 September 1978
end of filming 28 February 1979
projection approval 7 March 1979
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 23 November 1979 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
85 min
2 453 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 17. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Václav Šašek