Writer Vladimír Tůma is going on a study visit to Poland. He is being separated from his wife Lída for one month and says goodbye to his friends. His friend Bohumil warns him about the Polish beauties, but Vladimír is welcomed at the airport by an older energetic guide called Ełżbieta. Nevertheless, she leaves very soon because of the disagreements with her jealous husband. She is replaced by beautiful young Irena, who has only just recently got happily married. Tůma is quite pleased, because he likes Irena. Her husband, unlike his parents, he trusts her. Vladimír and Irena are having a wonderful time together, but they always remember their beloved partners just in time. Irena's father-in-law goes after them to Cracow, to see if everything is all right. He is pleased to find Irena alone in the hotel. On one of the trips, reluctantly, the two are forced to sleep in one room. Irena's husband, who didn't get to see Irena in the Cracow hotel, is coming as well. He finds her alone and sleeping, just when Tůma is returning from his evening walk. The men don't know each other and Tůma thinks that Irena is in danger. He decides to defend her. Nevertheless, the misunderstanding is cleared up at the end. On his return home, Tůma describes the episode to his wife, but she doesn't believe he was faithful. Tůma turns to the audience, to confirm the truthfulness of his story.
úřednice Irena Stępowska
spisovatel Vladimír Tůma
Zbigniew, Irenin muž, lesní inženýr
průvodkyně Elżbieta Rybińska
Zofia Stępowská, Zbigniewova matka
Tadeusz Stępowski, Zbigniewův otec
úřednice Čedoku Lída, Tůmova žena
Rybiński, Ełżbietin muž
pilot Bohumil Gregor
soused Pokorný
majitel motorové lodi
vedoucí Čedoku, Lídin šéf
recepční v hotelu
hostinský Pietrzykowski
ministr považovaný za Tůmu
přítel z vinárny
vrátný na ministerstvu
dáma s psíkem
žena s melounem v Čedoku
žena v Čedoku
Tůmův známý s obrazem
důstojník ve vlaku
starý muž v Čedoku v klobouku
úřednice Procházková
nervózní muž v Čedoku
cizí delegát v turbanu
tlustý muž ve vlaku
dívka na pláži
dívka na pláži
čistič bot
starší muž s dudami
básník Sadowicz
malý muž
Jerzy Passendorfer
František Matoušek, Lech Lorentowicz, Eliška Vojtová, Marian Ziętkiewicz, Halina Garus
Václav Jelínek, Jaroslav Mach, Jan Fethke, Zdzisław Skowroński
Kazimierz Rudzki
Stanisław Loth, Mieczysław Verocsy
Wacław Dybowski
Karel Kočí, Cecylia Wróblewska
Vladimír Vojta, Zdzisław Mrozowicz
Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
Władysław Szpilman
FISYO (Music Conducted by Jerzy Gert), Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera (Music Conducted by Karel Krautgartner)
Władysław Szpilman
Ludwik Starski
Co řekne žena...
Co řekne žena...
What Will My Wife Say to This?
Zadzwońcie do mojej żony
Píseň o věrnosti
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Poland
literary Screenplay approved 28 November 1956
start of filming 2 August 1957
technical Screenplay approved 5 August 1957
end of filming 14 April 1958
projection approval 10 June 1958
withdrawal from distribution 30 November 1968
preview 26 September 1958 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 3 October 1958 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Lucerna /6 týdnů/, Oko /1 týden/, Revoluce /1 týden od 10. 10./, Arbes /1 týden od 17. 10./, Flora /1 týden od 24. 10./, Svornost /1 týden od 31. 10./ a Radost /1 týden od 7. 11./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Kunc, František Břetislav Kunc (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
90 min
2 568 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Polish