An apprentices' recreation training centre has been established at Červený Hrádek, a property confiscated from its aristocratic owner after the Second World War. The presence of the apprentices irritates the former castle staff and professor Zach who has arrived at Hrádek to take a look round the antiques. However, two of the boys, Honza and Petr, are partly responsible for the discovery of thieves who try to steal the rare Medici Cross. The boys had set off on a secret tour of the castle and museum just when Zach was conducting a séance which he intended to use as a cover-up for the theft. His intentions and those of two other thieves, the lawyer Hadrbolec and his clerk Kavan, are thwarted by the historian Dr Jirsa who is evaluating the castle collection. The testimony of Honza and Petr is important to apprehend the thieves - they had caught sight of one of the thieves near the safe containing the Cross and had noticed his watch with its illuminated dial. The three burglars are arrested.
On January 7, 1949, the film was shown in thirty provincial cinemas before its Prague première.
dr. Jaroslav Jirsa
profesor Zach
kastelán Ferdinand Lebeda
Rosa, Lebedova žena
Berka, ředitel panství
JUDr. Hadrbolec, baronův právní zástupce
disponent Kavan
rada Kozler
disponent Šebesta
Mánička, kuchařka v ozdravovně
vedoucí ozdravovny Miroslav Ryšavý
holohlavý hoch při zápase
výpomocný číšník
strážmistr SNB
hráč karet v hospodě
Kiril Ilinčev
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Křížová trojka
Křížová trojka
The Three of Clubs
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 11 January 1949 (konec povolení k promítání 11. 1. 1954)
withdrawal from distribution 23 August 1960
preview 7 January 1949 (mimopražská kina)
premiere 21 October 1949 /suitable for youths/ (kino Blaník /3 týdny/, Praha)
VI. výrobní skupina Weiss – Kabelík, Vladimír Kabelík (produkční šéf VI. výrobní skupiny), Jiří Weiss (umělecký šéf VI. výrobní skupiny)
feature film
83 min
2 367 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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