It is 1942. A Nazi shooting range is located not far from a small Czech village. The wounded resistance fighter Josef is seeking shelter with his friend from the army Vašek Zahrádka. Apart from Vašek, Josef also receives help from the gamekeeper Prokeš who hides him in a cave beneath the Murderers' Gorge and promises to look after him. The German Colonel Konrad von Schiess receives a local estate as a gift from the occupying forces. The villagers, who were at first overjoyed that the shooting range is to be closed down, are then shocked to discover they must move out of their homes. Karel, Prokeš's son, the only collaborator from the village, becomes the administrator of the estate. One night the young men from the village attack him, beat him up and degrade him by shaving off his hair. Josef, who now has a fever, is hidden in the house of the bee-keeper Martin. Karel believes Vašek to be at the root of his degradation and turns him over to the Gestapo. Vašek is arrested and before long his family receives news of his death. The gamekeeper decides to save the village from his son with tragic consequences. He takes Karel to a rickety bridge over Murderers' Gorge and both are killed in a fall. The villagers abandon their homes but hope is on their side. The Red Army defeats the Nazis near Stalingrad and reverses the outcome of the War.
traktorista Vašek Zahrádka
adjunkt Karel Prokeš, později správce
Ondra Bašus
sedlák Václav Vojtěch
chalupník a včelař Martin
hajný, Karlův otec
švec Josef Hejl
ponocný Prskavec
odbojář Josef Horák
obrst Konrad Ritter von Schiess
Maňka, Ondrova sestra
babička Bašusová
učitelka Marta
Zahrádková, Vaškova matka
Slávek, starostův syn
velitel gestapa
hlasatelka Hejlová
vesnický mládenec
host v hospodě
Miloslav Stehlík (Mordová rokle – divadelní hra)
Rudolf Fencl, Jiří Bečka (vedoucí výrobního štábu)
Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Song Composer A. F. Tovačovský
Writer of Lyrics Jan Vlk
Singer sbor
Mordová rokle
Mordová rokle
The Murderer's Gorge
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 07/1950
the first film copy approved 12/1950
date of censorship 26 March 1952 (konec povolení k promítání 26. 3. 1957)
withdrawal from distribution 25 October 1960
premiere 23 May 1952 /suitable for youths/ (kina Alfa /1 týden/, Armádní /2 týdny/, Sevastopol /3 týdny/, Kyjev /1 týden od 6. 6./ a Oko /1 týden od 6. 6./, Praha)
V. tvůrčí kolektiv Vítězslava Kocourka, Vítězslav Kocourek (vedoucí V. tvůrčího kolektivu)
feature film
93 min
2 657 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles