When it comes to adapting Jules Verne adventure novels, the most acclaimed name in Czechoslovak cinema is that of director Karel Zeman. In spite of Zeman’s playful adaptations of Verne’s style of techno-optimism, his Vynález zkázy (The Deadly Invention, 1958), Ukradená vzducholoď (The Stolen Airship, 1966) and Na kometě (On the Comet, 1968) nonetheless remain faithful to the spirit of adventure and heroism found in the respective works. In 1981, screenwriter Jiří Brdečka and director Oldřich Lipský took a rather different, albeit similarly original path. Tajemství hradu v Karpatech (The Mystery of the Carpathian Castle, 1981) is conceived as a parody, similar in tone to the pair’s previous joint efforts, namely the fantastical western Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera (Lemonade Joe, 1966) and the detective comedy Adéla ještě nevečeřela (Adela Has Not Had Her Supper Yet, 1977). Verne’s original novel, The Carpathian Castle, first published in 1897, contains elements of fantastical science-fiction and adventure, as well as terrifying gothic horror. This combination so enchanted Lipský and Brdečka, that they transformed it into a parody fantasy with nods to classic vampire stories (Verne’s novel was published five years before Bram Stoker’s gothic horror novel Dracula). The protagonist of this film is the heroic Count Felix Teleke of Tölökö (Michal Dočolomanský). When he is accompanied by his faithful valet Ignác (Vlastimil Brodský) during a stay in the Carpathians, the pair come across the trail of the count’s lost lover, opera singer Salsa Verde (Evelyna Steimarová). They discover that the diva has been abducted by the fiendish baron Gorc of Gorceny (Miloš Kopecký), whose castle home is filled with the bizarre inventions of the mad scientist Orfanik (Rudolf Hrušínský). The inventions are put to use during Teleke’s skirmishes with his demonic counterpart. Lipský and Brdečka’s film is regarded as one of the most popular Czechoslovak comedies of the 1980s, surpassing even the imaginativeness of Adéla ještě nevečeřela – both films have similar casts, as well as the creative participation of legendary surrealist filmmaker Jan Švankmajer, who, among other things, was responsible for the film’s stunning props.
Count Teleke of Tölökö and his faithful valet Ignác travel through the Carpathian forests. They save a young forester by the name of Vilja Dézi who was lying unconscious by the road. A local teacher takes them to the village of Vyné Vlkodlaky (Upper Werewolf) on a wagon. In their quirky dialect, the superstitious villagers talk about the Devil's Castle on a nearby rock. Vilja repeatedly, albeit vainly, tries to discover the mystery of the collapsing Gorc' castle residence. The count stiffens - it was the very Baron Gorc of Gorcena who kidnapped his beloved fiancé, the opera singer Salsa Verde. The next day, the count sets off to the castle, accompanied by Vilja and Ignác. He does not know that the local oddball, called Tóma the Deaf-Mute, is in fact Gorc's faithful servant Zutro. He informs his master about the events in the settlement around the castle which he hears with the help of a unique brass "wiretapping ear". Vilja casts his mind back to the fascinating woman and beautiful singer who he spotted behind one of the castle's windows. Teleke better sends Ignác for the police, who should take action if he does not return in twenty four hours. The two men get into the castle and find a room ready for them. All their steps are secretly followed by the baron on a TV screen. After a good meal, the count somewhat recollects his opera engagement - but his strong and well-trained voice destroys both Gorc's television and the glass components of yet other inventions of the insane doctor Orfanik, who is kept at the castle by the baron. - The demonic Gorc fell in love with Salsa years ago and pursued her everywhere. The gorgeous singer, however, suffered from serious heart disease and could not stand the baron. She became engaged to the Count of Tölökö and decided to give her last performance. But she collapsed in the theatre and a doctor was unable to save her. The body of the dead diva then disappeared from her dressing room. The count only found Gorc's letter saying that the singer was in his power from today forever. - Now, the count sees her again! The sleeping beauty, breathing lightly, rests on a sofa behind a glass pane in a boudoir. The count and Vilja are in no time locked in their room. Gorc wants to blow up the castle and the two men with it. He forces Orfanik to test the appropriate explosive. Its infinitesimal piece sweeps away the nearby little chapel and the compression wave shakes the castle's foundations. Zutro ties Orfanik up and throws him into the castle cellar. The experimental explosion enabled the prisoners to leave their room. They search for Salsa, liberate Orfanik on the way and then learn the truth. The illusion of Salsa's life signs was a result of Orfanik's film and sound devices. The boudoir only contained Salsa's embalmed body which disintegrates to dust as soon as the hermetically sealed space is entered. Orfanik can finally revenge himself on his tormentor Gorc, destroying both the film and the sound recording. Zutro dies in the ensuing fight. The severely wounded Orfanik is dying but before his death, he gives Teleke the plans describing his inventions. The count, Vilja and a police unit which has just arrived run away from the castle. A massive explosion scatters the castle with the devilish baron still inside. After some time, Count Teleke of Tölökö himself dies under the ruins of an opera building which his mighty voice made collapse.
Voice by Ladislav Županič
hrabě Felix Teleke z Tölökö zvaný tenorista Il Contecanto/hrabě Teleke z Tölökö, otec Felixe
Voice by Jaroslava Kretschmerová
primadona Salsa Verde
komorník Ignác
lesní adjunkt Vilja Dézi
baron Robert Gorc z Gorceny
vynálezce profesor Orfanik
Voice by Mirko Musil
Zutro zvaný Tóma Hluchoněmec, baronův sluha
Myriota, lesníkova snoubenka
krčmář a rychtář, otec Myrioty
krčmářka, matka Myrioty
kmet na peci
sedlák v kožichu Frik
operní pěvkyně Elsa Brabantská
divadelní lékař
voják hrající na housle
stříbrovlasý pedagog
čeledín v krčmě
Aleš Dospiva, Stanislava Hutková
Jiří Býček, Petr Hartl
Jules Verne (Tajemný hrad v Karpatech /Le Château des Carpathes/ – román)
Jiří Brdečka, Oldřich Lipský (spolupráce na scénáři)
Jan Švankmajer (zvláštní rekvizity), Adam Hoffmeister (kreslená část)
Jiří Rulík, Ladislav Rada, Jiří Broum, Ivo Černý, Miloš Osvald, Radim Valak
Ludmila Ondráčková (vedoucí kostymérka), Michaela Nedvídková, Jiřina Vrbová
Petr Chmelík (pyrotechnik), Václav Kuba (pyrotechnik)
Jiří Bartošek, Arnošt Böhm, Radek Hošek, František Jákl, Petr Jákl, Arnošt Janeček, Miroslav Jíra, Vladimír Kaisr, Jaroslav Klenot, Jiří Klenot, Jan Kriesman, Ladislav Lahoda, Miroslav Lahoda, Pavel Myslík, Josef Pechanec, Jindřich Sejk, Oldřich Semerák, František Stupka, Jaroslav Šanda, Jaroslav Tomsa, Stanislav Tůma, Karel Vítek
Jiří Synek, Dagmar Pitráková, Jana Jeřábková
Jiří Brdečka (umělecká spolupráce), Hana Suchá (klapka), Antonín Heřman (vrchní osvětlovač), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
Christoph Willibald Gluck (Orfeus a Euridika /Rej blažených/), Giuseppe Verdi (Traviata /La traviata/), Jacques Offenbach (Hoffmannovy povídky /Barcarolle/), Richard Wagner (Lohengrin), Ludwig van Beethoven (Symfonie č. 5 c moll /Osudová/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Luboš Fišer
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Brdečka
Singer Evelyna Steimarová [dab]Gabriela BeňačkováMichal Dočolomanský [dab]Jaroslav Hlubek
Song Composer Richard Wagner
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Brdečka
Singer Michal Dočolomanský [dab]Jaroslav HlubekHelena Růžičková [dab]Vlasta Mlejnková
Song Composer Luboš Fišer
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Brdečka
Singer mužský sbor
Tajemství hradu v Karpatech
Tajemství hradu v Karpatech
The Mystery of the Carpathian Castle
Tajemný hrad v Karpatech
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, parody, sci-fi
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1993
premiere 2 October 1981 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
97 min
2 690 meters
16mm, 35mm
Festival: 4. mezinárodní festival fantastických filmů FANTASPORTO Porto
Porto / Portugal
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Oldřich Lipský
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Jan Švankmajer
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Jan Zázvorka
Festival: 20. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Viktor Růžička