In the 1970s, pro-regime writer Ivan Gariš took part in several projects which were made to order for the “normalised” Czechoslovak state. The main characters of this 1972 drama, set in the 1950s, are members of the State Security Force who come to the village of Mezilesí to investigate the murder of a local communist functionary. They discover that the perpetrators are opponents of collectivisation, who are preparing a bold sabotage. The director of the film, which even today remains a good example of a genre work combined with ideological content, was Ivo Toman, for many years a specialist in politically high-profile film projects.
At the beginning of the fifties of the 20th century, shortly after the founding of the Unified farmers'cooperative in the town of Mezilesí, there is shot dead a functionary Málek by three unknown men. From the Prague headquarters of the police there are sent to the village two investigators, Laňka and Maliňák. The only one trace of the bandits are cans found in a desolate stone-pit in the surroundings of Mezilesí. But the bandits have tens of hiding places in the woods and the police lacks staff. Maliňák returns with other men to the village. The innkeeper Dolák, who is one of the members of the terrorist gang called Lesana, fearing of arrest, shoots dead Maliňák who does not suspect anything. Lieutenant Laňka starts a great operation to liquidate the gang. At the roads he places the guards which control every person. After presenting in cinema several photographs of the victims of the terrorists the police gains for collaboration also the citizens. The trace leads from two detained employees of the brewery to the member of the gang Říčan. He is secretly detained and at the interrogatory he betrays the names of others and also their intention to flee abroad. The agent from Frankfurt is arrested and Laňka for the sake of investigation goes under his name. Vašek, the orderly of Lesana, spent three years in the foreign legion and he does not wish to leave his homeland any more. What is more, he does not agree with the activity of the gang. Though he soon finds out that Laňka is not an awaited agent, he decides to safe-guard him. The first part of Lesana, including the wife of the leader of the gang Grůbel, leaves in a lorry but instead of abroad it ends up in prison. The rest of the group of the terrorists is leaving in a week. Laňka hands over to Grůbel the message of his wife and he grasps that it is a snare. He wants to kill Laňka but Vašek intervenes and saves his life. The terrorists are liquidated. Vašek is detained but within short, as a free man, meets lieutenant Laňka in a pub at the beer. Laňka drinks to him with a new way in life.
vyšetřovatel poručík Laňka
Věra, Laňkova žena
podporučík Velecký
vůdce bandy Grůbel
záškodník Vašek
záškodník Bajgl
záškodník Pohora
hajný Krušina
Hana, Krušinova sestra, Grůbelova žena
pracovník pivovaru Škareňa
pracovník pivovaru Říčan
vyšetřovatel Carda
vyšetřovatel Maliňák
hostinský Dolák
Dolákova žena
funkcionář okresního výboru Jiří Málek
Voice by Mirko Musil
inženýr Zajda
Voice by Mirko Musil
Kaška, předseda družstva
řidič Tatry
Bícova žena
řidič Mlejnek
velitel StB
sekretářka Bártová
řidič Tatry
mladý příslušník VB
strážmistr Křepelka
agent Jiří Lesák
zatčený vesničan
Komárek st.
Komárek ml.
příslušník StB
starší žena ve vlaku
četař ve vězení
strážný/mladý četař
žena v okně
hlas hosta v hospodě
Josef Sandr
Ivan Gariš (Cesty mužů – kniha)
Rudolf Beneš, Josef Calta, Jiří Štípek
Václav Maršálek
pplk. František Havlíček
Jana Coufalová (klapka), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf), Tiskový odbor Ministerstva vnitra ČSSR
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Cesty mužů
Cesty mužů
Roads of Men
Agent přijde za svítání
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 16 August 1971
start of filming 18 October 1971
technical Screenplay approved 23 November 1971
end of filming 31 May 1972
projection approval 5 June 1972
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 5 October 1972 /suitable for youths/ (kino Metro, Praha)
premiere 6 October 1972 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Vojtěcha Trapla, Vojtěch Trapl (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Jiřího Šebora, Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
89 min
2 495 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu za rok 1972
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ivo Toman
Festival: 11. festival českých a slovenských filmů Plzeň
Plzeň / Czechoslovakia
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu za rok 1972
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Josef Picek
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu za rok 1972
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ivan Gariš
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu za rok 1972
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Karel Hlušička