While clearing away the remains of a house which, in its state of disrepair, had been pulled down a few years before, a voluntary worker finds a pocket watch. In the same place he also discovers a freshly filled hole and so the police are called. They find the small remains of a human body and realize that, up until the previous day, this site had been a grave. During their investigations the police have to go back twenty years when the owner of the house, Kostka, had disappeared. They seek out former tenants who add to their old testimonies and find an alibi for the evening when the human remains had been removed from the grave. A mosaic of events is gradually put together, events which happened all those years ago. In 1932 Kostka bought a nearly new house on the outskirts of town of which constructor Vedral made such a shoddy job that the building began to crack from its foundations. The tenants demanded compensation but Vedral did not bother with the reconstruction after Kostka's disappearance and the house had to be demolished during the War. Under the weight of evidence a former tenant, Kalčík, admitted to having argued with Kostka during which the owner of the house had a heart attack. Kalčík, a dealer in petty goods on the black market, had buried the body in the cellar in fear of the police and now he threw the remains into the river. In the courtroom he gives testimony together with Vedral who, for purposes of gain, helped him do the job. The case is thus resolved after twenty years.
poručík SNB František Lukeš
poručík SNB Václav Budil
kapitán SNB Jirák
stavitel Karel Vedral
dílovedoucí Antonín Záhora, dříve zedník
Emilie, Záhorova žena, Vedralova bývalá služba
řidič dálkových nákladních automobilů Emil Kalčík
Hubert Kostka, majitel domu
Kostkova žena
redaktor Kovář
Dohnalová, Kalčíkova milenka
skladník Josef Válek, dříve domovník
Mařenka, Válkova žena
Vedralová, stavitelova žena
komisař-vyšetřovatel JUDr. Daněk
nájemník Zoubek
Věra, Lukešova dcera
vedoucí inženýr
redaktor Rudého večerníku
vedoucí brigády
mladší brigádník
technik SNB
technik SNB
svědek Kalčíkova alibi
Helena Zídková, Zdeněk Maršálek
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)
Na konci města
Na konci města
At the End of the City
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 9 October 1953
the first film copy approved 30 December 1954
projection approval 02/1955
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
premiere 11 March 1955 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Blaník /5 týdnů/, Arbes /1 týden/, Oko /1 týden od 18. 3./, Revoluce /1 týden od 25. 3./, Bystrica /1 týden od 1. 4./ a Mír /1 týden od 8. 4./, Praha)
Dramaturgická skupina Jiřího Weisse (vývoj scénáře), Jiří Weiss (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
97 min
2 772 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles