Karel Štorkán adapted his novel into a screenplay for this war drama, directed in 1974 by Ivo Novák. The story follows the fate of students in the WWII year of 1944 who decide to ignore a ban on organising the annual ball of the teaching institute they attend in a small town. The arranged event at the local swimming pool ends up putting the life of the young protagonists in danger. Local resistance fighters are battling a merciless SS troop unit. Student Lenka does not manage to attend the ball when she is compelled to hide a wounded partisan at her home… The motion picture’s dramatic narration bowed to the contemporary stringencies imposed by Prague’s Barrandov film studios during the “normalisation” period. The film amounts to a simple assignment, but it is greatly boosted by the cast. The dominant roles are taken by Andrea Čunderlíková (brave student Lenka) and Josef Somr (the heroine’s unsuspecting father).
It is the year 1944. Despite the ban imposed by the German occupiers, students at a teacher training institute in a small town decide to hold a secret ball in the clubhouse of the swimming pool. Lenka is one of the students preparing for the ball, even though before his departure on a business trip her father has strictly forbidden her to get involved in any such thing. The initiator of the ball is Lenka's friend, the doctor's son Slávek Olejník. While the students are making preparations for the ball, members of a resistance group meet in the boiler room of the Sokol PE organization. They decide to send Vašek Potužník to warn a gamekeeper that he is in danger of betrayal, but before Vašek manages to get away, the town is surrounded by SS units that have been catching partisans in the surrounding woods. Only three manage to escape, and the others are shot against the wall of the Sokol building. Lenka is hesitating about whether to go to the ball. Her uncertainty ends when a wounded partisan appears in her family's yard. For his sake she goes to the ball in order to get medicines from Slávek. Slávek, however, will not help her, and nor will any of the others to whom Lenka appeals for aid. In the end her schoolmate Božka promises that she will take the partisan to a safe place for the night, but then Lenka's father arrives back unexpectedly early with the German factory director. On her return from the school Lenka finds him just in front of their house inviting the director in. The girl tries to prevent the visit. Hearing German, the hidden partisan tries to escape. In the exchange of fire that follows Lenka's father is killed, and the German director then shoots the partisan. Božka leads Lenka away to a hay barn on a hill, where the partisans are already waiting. Lenka offers to help them.
Voice by Jana Šulcová
studentka učitelského ústavu Lenka Doubravová
technik Karel Doubrava, Lenčin otec
partyzán Sergej
studentka Božka
Vašek Potužník, Lenčin kamarád
profesorka Karmazínová
profesor tělocviku Čepelák
student Slávek Olejník
MUDr. Jaromír Olejník, Slávkův otec
Ing. Bauman, německý ředitel továrny
hajný Antonín Picka
člen odbojové skupiny Láďa Motl
profesor Josef Moutelík
ředitel učitelského ústavu
odbojář Sochor
správce sokolovny
profesor Zítek
profesor německého jazyka
major SS Knotke
Potužníková, Vaškova matka
milostpaní Uždilová
student Adámek
studentka s kudrnatými vlasy
student Vejvoda
studentka s tmavými vlasy
student Plíva
student Hadraba
studentka Jaryna
student Bednář
studentka Eva
student Zvěřina
studentka s plavým copem
studentka Jana
studentka se světlými vlasy
student Homolka
velitel hlídky SS
prodavač v domácích potřebách
scharführer SS
popravený partyzán
popravený partyzán
unterscharführer SS
sousedka Richterová
major SS
důstojník SS
profesor Řeřicha
muž v okně
hlas z obecního rozhlasu
Jiří Prokeš
Karel Štorkán (Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně – novela)
Zdeněk Jeřábek, Rudolf Kinský, Pavel Šťastný
Jana Koubová, Ladislav Beneš
Hanuš Bečvár
Marcela Žížalová (klapka), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Writer of Lyrics Jan WerichJiří Voskovec
Singer sbor
Song Composer Jiří Srnka
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
The Last Ball at the Pool
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 2 January 1974
start of filming 9 January 1974
technical Screenplay approved 22 February 1974
end of filming 9 August 1974
projection approval 21 August 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1989
gala premiere 23 January 1975 (kino Světozor, Praha)
festival premiere 24 January 1975 (26. filmový festival pracujících – zima ´75)
premiere 13 February 1975 /suitable for youths/ (kino Jalta, Praha)
premiere 14 February 1975 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 339 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, German
without subtitles
Festival: 13. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Andrea Čunderlíková
Event: Literární soutěž k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ivo Novák
Event: Literární soutěž k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Karel Štorkán