O. K., Leave it to Me, Boss...!





Production year



6 January 1978


92 min




comedy, satire


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“

Czech title

„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“

English title

O. K., Leave it to Me, Boss...!

Working title

Pět karafiátů pro Renátu


Screenwriter and director Petr Schulhoff’s Já to tedy beru, šéfe…! (O. K., Leave it to Me, Boss...!) was one of a number of satirical comedies criticising the shortcomings of socialist society. The film, which premiered in 1977, sets its sights on the crooked practices of labour recruitment officers. It thus diverges from several of Schulhoff’s other pictures, which in the main offered a critical view of interpersonal relations (Hodíme se k sobě, miláčku…? [Darling, Are We a Good Match...?] /1974/, Zítra to roztočíme, drahoušku…! [We’ll Kick Up a Fuss Tomorrow, Darling...] /1976/, Co je doma, to se počítá, pánové…[ What I Have I Hold, Gentlemen...!] [1980]). The protagonists of this breezy story, whose plot captures a number of period practices, are two employees of the state enterprise Pragokov. At the Labour Recruitment Research Department, which they themselves have set up, Láďa Pitras and Oto Vacák begin employing methods that test the boundaries of legality and morality. In this manner they obtain workers for hard-to-fill professions (welder, crane operator, stoker in constant service), in the process abusing the adulterous Niederle’s fear of his jealous wife and the dramatic spats of the married Nyklíčkovýs. But then they almost fall victim to their own machinations: a new colleague, the wily Miriam, sparks the jealousy of Pitras’s wife Renáta, while the settled Vacák attracts the attentions of an energetic Slovak female crane operator. However, the greatest danger to the self-proclaimed manipulators becomes their colleagues/rivals… The director cast the comic actors Petr Nárožný (Vacák) and Luděk Sobota (Pitras) as the leads in the picture, which reflects period ideological production. Sobotka again created the role of a timid, outwardly clumsy man, contrasting with his appealing characters in films such as Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje! (Joachim, Put Him into the Machine!) (1974) and Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (Let Him Face the Music!) (1977). Iva Janžurová drew on her predatory acting skills in the role of the jealous Renáta, while the infallible Marie Rosůlková portrayed Pitras’s grandmother.


Láďa Pitras and Oto Vacák founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labour. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anička. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov. The recruiters got suitable stokers for a continuous operation when they employed the Nyklíčeks married couple, their fights could soon grow into violence - the wife joined the morning shift and her husband the night shift. Láďa's wife Renáta had to leave her work in advertisement. They feared that her snappish mother baby-sitting their son Ivánek destroys their family. Pitras got in her position an unattractive Myriam Hornová. Soon it came out that it was an attractive lady using an ugly disguise only as a protection before her jealous ex-husband. Renáta gets jealous of her without any reason. The vivid crane-operator Križuchová, successfully head-hunted from Poprad to Prague, decided to seduce a settled and baldheaded Vacák. But Pitras and Vacák manage to save the endangered happy marriages in the end. But they surrendered to blackmailings of recruiters from a competitive company who have carefully documented their methods. Pitras and Vacák will work now after a retraining as a bricklayer and a roofer.

Film online


Iva Janžurová

propagační referentka Renáta Pitrasová

Luděk Sobota

náborář Láďa Pitras, Renátin muž

Petr Nárožný

náborář Oto Vacák

Míla Myslíková

Voice by Miriam Kantorková /pouze v exteriérové scéně/
kadeřnice Květa, Vacákova žena

Alena Vránová

Myriam Hornová, Renátina nástupkyně

Lubomír Lipský

Filip Vaněček, Renátin kolega a ctitel

Marie Rosůlková

babička Pitrasová

Jana Kasanová

jeřábnice Marie Križuchová

Josef Větrovec

Saša Paul, Renátin vedoucí

Karel Augusta

svářeč Alois Niederle

Dana Hlaváčová

Božena, Niederlova žena

Zdeněk Dítě

Richter, ředitel Pragokovu

Jiří Lír

topič Josef Nyklíček

Božena Böhmová

Nyklíčkova žena

Václav Lohniský

náborář Vogel z Drupospolu

Vladimír Hrubý

Vogelův spolupracovník a komplic z Drupospolu

Valérie Čižmárová

zpěvačka ve Virginii

Arnošt Faltýnek

strážný Pragokovu

Otto Lackovič

vrchní číšník Laco Kuchárik

Darja Hajská

sousedka Nyklíčkových

Věra Tichánková

mzdová účetní

Hana Brejchová

Anička Vitlichová, Aloisova milenka

Olga Blechová

svačinářka Jiřinka

Milan Neděla

Horn, Myriamin bývalý muž

Kamil Hlavatý

Ivánek, syn Pitrasových

Karel Vavřík

vrátný Pragokovu

Jiří Havel

mistr v Pragokovu

Miloslav Homola

Voice by Mirko Musil

Olga Michálková

žena u baru

Svatava Smoláková

žena na ulici

Josef Střecha

muž v divadle

Jiřina Bílá

dáma v divadle

Slávka Hamouzová

dáma v divadle

Ela Šilarová

dáma v divadle

Anna Štrosová

dáma v divadle

Marta Richterová

kamarádka Križuchové

Ivo Hrdina

číšník v kavárně

František Bechyně


Petr Kulhánek


Mikuláš Petrík


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Věra Pištěková

Assistant Director

Jana Vohryzková


Eva Kolářová


Petr Schulhoff


Petr Schulhoff

Shooting Script

Petr Schulhoff


Zdeněk Dufek

Director of Photography

Jiří Vojta

Second Unit Photography

Vladimír Smutný

Camera Operator

František Kučera

Production Designer

Jindřich Goetz

Assistent Production Designer

Jaromír Švarc

Set Designer

Bedřich Čermák, Karel Karas, Josef Pavlík, Bohuslav Varhaník

Costume Designer

Irena Greifová

Film Editor

Jan Chaloupek

Assistant Film Editor

Alena Chvojková, Anna Mejtská

Sound Designer

Roman Hloch

Special Effects

Trikový ateliér FSB

Titles Designed by

Stanislav Holý

Production Manager

Ladislav Novotný

Unit Production Manager

Jaroslav Smola, Jiří Radil

Unit Production Manager

Rudolf Störzer


Irena Neubertová (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Milan Dvořák

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)


Tak nekonečne krásna

Song Composer Gejza Dusík
Writer of Lyrics Pavol Braxatoris
Singer Valerie Čižmárová

Valčík na rozloučenou

Song Composer lidová irská píseň
Singer Iva Janžurová

Production info

Original Title

„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“

Czech Title

„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“

English Title

O. K., Leave it to Me, Boss...!

Working Title

Pět karafiátů pro Renátu




featuretheatrical distribution


comedy, satire

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 10 November 1976
start of filming 15 December 1976
technical Screenplay approved 13 January 1977
end of filming 22 June 1977
projection approval 1 July 1977
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1988


premiere 6 January 1978 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

92 min

Original length in metres

2 635 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages

Czech, Slovak

Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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