For the love for human wood nymph Rosava falls into disfavour with the Forest Queen. Her piper son, Švanda, cannot marry his beloved Dorotka because he is poor. Tempted by ex-serviceman Šavlička's stories he decides to go off to the world to become rich and famous. Before he leaves, the wood nymphs, on Rosava's request, breathe magic sounds into his musical instrument. This brings Švanda success in the world and he even heals princess Zulika of melancholy with his music. Zulika wants to marry him in return. The news of the wedding brings Dorotka, who is searching for Švanda together with musician Kalafuna, to the palace. Švanda's "impresario", jester Vocílka, deceives the king into believing that Dorotka and Kalafuna are crazy. Švanda doesn't protect them. Former Zulika's bridegroom, prince Alamír, doesn't want to give up his bride, bursts into the palace and puts Švanda in prison. The magic pipe helps him out of the prison, but he has to return home without a crown in his pocket. After some time, Dorotka and Kalafuna also find their way back home. Dorotka refuses to hear from Švanda. When Švanda finds himself in grave danger on top of the gallows, however, she saves his life. The Forest Queen, touched by Dorotka's love, pardons repudiated Rosava as well.
This theme had already been treated in a Czech film under the titles Švanda, the Bagpiper (1937; directed by Svatopluk Innemann).
dudák Švanda
vesnický muzikant Kalafuna
Kordula, Kalafunova žena
hajný Trnka
Dorotka, Trnkova dcera, Švandova milá
starý dudák Tomáš
vesnický rychtář Koděra
voják Šavlička
hostinský Nalejváček
Pantaleon Vocílka
král Aleonoros
princezna Zulika, Aleonorosova dcera
Alamír, Zuličin ženich
královna lesní říše Lesana
lesní žena Rosava, Švandova matka
lesní panna Bělena
divá žena Mihulice
divá žena Divuka
chasník Váša
čeledín Franěk
rybář Matěj
hostinský Mikuli
králův hofmistr
chůva Zuliky
velitel stráží
číšnice u Mikuliho
lesní panna
číšnice u Mikuliho
čeledín s koňmi
Josef Kajetán Tyl (Strakonický dudák – divadelní hra)
Jiří Štaud
Ferdinand Martinásek (malíř pozadí)
Otta Pšenička (vrchní osvětlovač), Karel Hájek (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Vlastimil Jílek (šavlový tanec), Oldřich Stodola (šavlový tanec)
Singer Milada Šubrtová
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Josef Bek
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Josef MixaRudolf Hrušínský
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Ladislav Pešek
Singer Ladislav Pešek
Strakonický dudák
Strakonický dudák
The Strakonice Bagpiper
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 16 July 1954
projection approval 8 November 1955
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 20 December 1955 /suitable for youths/ (kina Alfa /11½ týdne/, Arbes /1 týden od 23. 12./, Aero /1 týden od 30. 12./, Revoluce /1 týden od 6. 1. 1956/, Oko /1 týden od 13. 1. 1956/, Bystrica /1 týden od 20. 1. 1956/, Vzlet /1 týden od 27. 1. 1956/, Kyjev /1 týden od 3. 2. 1956/, Mír /1 týden od 10. 2. 1956/ a Dukla /1 týden od 17. 2. 1956/, Praha)
feature film
112 min
3 191 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles