A fairy-tale satire from the present day, Three Wishes was the fourth film directed by the duo Ján Kadár – Elmar Klos. The screenplay was written by playwright Vratislav Blažek. The film, pointing out the shortcomings preventing the smooth running of socialist society, ended up being banned and put in the "vault" after a harsh condemnation at the First Festival of Czech and Slovak Films in Banská Bystrica in 1959, and the two filmmakers were able to return to directing only in the 1960’s, when they made, among others, the Oscar-winning The Shop on Main Street.
Lawyer Petr Holeček often has disputes with his wife Věra. They both have low salaries and forever struggle with a lack of money. After all, Věra loves to dress up! One day, Petr gives a seat to a tiny old man who, in return for this kindness, offers him a little silver bell which will fulfil three wishes. The first two wishes, which the suspicious Petr makes just to test the bell, are fulfilled. Petr's third wish is a peaceful life with Věra. And so the magic bell arranges a new apartment, modern furniture, car and a promotion at work. Ill-tempered Petr has a quarrel with the secretary and his manager sends him on health-leave. Petr and Věra rest by the lake Máchovo and, in the evenings, watch fashion shows on TV with their friends. Petr's friend Karel joins a competition with an improved design which could markedly lower the price of the dress model on show. He also says something about the necessity to save in the right places. The next day they want to kick him out of the establishment. Petr wants to help Karel so he calls the old man once more. The old man promises to help but on one condition: Peter must speak up for his friend in public and run the risk of losing everything he got by magic. The old man vanishes, however, the small silver bell remains on the table. With rapt attention, the family follows how Peter will make up his mind...
The film underwent political critique at its time and its distribution was stopped. It was not distributed in cinemas until 1963, after the original decision was revised. Only after the above-mentioned ban on film did Jiří Blažek rework the film theme into the theatrical play The Third Wish (Třetí přání).
Voice by Zdeněk Dítě
účetní JUDr. Petr Holeček
Voice by Alena Kreuzmannová
Věra Holečková, Petrova žena
pohádkový dědeček
Karel Pokorný, Petrův kamarád
Božena, Karlova manželka
Petrova matka
Petrův otec
Petřík, syn Holečkových
ředitel podniku
referent bytového úřadu
soused Hurdálek
sekretářka Jarošová
konferenciér při loterii
konferenciér na módní přehlídce
Voice by Soběslav Sejk
příslušník SNB
vedoucí střelnice
starší muž u televizoru
starší žena u televizoru
cestující v trolejbusu
žena stojící v trolejbusu
otec dětí na bytovém úřadě
člen komise
člen komise
členka komise Růžena
klavírista u módní přehlídky
muž na poradě
muž na poradě
houslista v baru
Voice by Mirko Musil
člen bytové komise
závozník popelářského vozu
zaměstnanec čistírny
žena ve frontě na Večerní Prahu
člen komise
člen komise
sekretářka ředitele
muž na poradě
Voice by Josef Hlinomaz
vrátný ve spalovně
muž na manifestaci
muž na manifestaci
hlas předsedy okresního klubu Svazarmu
hlas sousedky s koštětem
František Černý, Josef Seidl (střih zvuku), Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Otta Pšenička (vrchní osvětlovač)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Pražský dixieland
Song Composer Zequinha de Abreu
Tři přání
Tři přání
Three Wishes
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, satire
projection approval 28 December 1958 (neschváleno do distribuce)
projection approval 6 March 1963
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1971
preview 14 June 1963 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 21 June 1963 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /5 týdnů/, Flora /1 týden/, Arbes /1 týden od 28. 6./, Radost /1 týden od 5. 7./, Mír /1 týden od 12. 7./, Praha /1 týden od 12. 7./ a Bystrica /1 týden od 19. 7./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Daniel, František Daniel (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
94 min
2 677 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles