Two of the most popular and frequently casted actors of the 1930s, Theodor Pištěk and Antonie Nedošinská, starred in this comedy revolving around a marriage of a couple that met through an advert in a newspaper. In addition these film stars, the film features other popular actors of the First Republic – Jindřich Plachta, Jára Kohout, František Paul, František Kreuzmann, Helena Bušová, Jarmila Kšírová and Fanda Mrázek. At the same time, in the film appears a footage from the St. Matthews Fair. In a scene during the variety show perform the singer R. A. Dvorský and his Melody Boys' hit Má krásná seňorito.
Two unsuccessful young men, Kopřiva and Stehlík, are continually borrowing money from their landlord, the tailor Mráz, and Stehlík has a suit sewn for him on credit. Vojtěch Čáp, the husband of an owner of a goose farm in Brousilov, flirts with the dancer Boby in a café and writes down her telephone number. When Kopřiva and Stehlík sit down at his table and complain of their situation, Čáp recommends them to find a marriage in the classifieds. Stehlík actually responds to one offer. Mrs. Barbora Čápová has received a crate of responses to the classifed she placed in the name of her daughter Helena. Stehlík's letter is chosen as the best. The young people fall in love and a wedding takes place. After a time Čáp would like to go have a good time in Prague with his son-in-law. Barbora discovers in her husband's memo pad the word Boby (bean) and a five-digit numeral and deduces that her husband is successfully doing business in legumes. The father-in-law and the son-in-law go off and Barbora, who imagines that they are rich, begins to modernize their home in grand style. Tailor Mráz comes to Brousilov to collect the money for Stehlík's suit. He recognizes Barbora as his long-ago partner from the amateur theatre and both set off for Prague. In a cabaret everyone meets up and a great bustle takes place. Barbora vows revenge on her unfaithful husband, but after returning home they must reconcile because they are to receive a certificate as the model marriage in the region.
majitelka husí farmy Barbora Čápová
Barbořin manžel Vojtěch
Helena, dcera Čápových
Julča, mladší dcera Čápových
Pavel Stehlík, Helenin pozdější manžel
Julius Kopřiva, Stehlíkův přítel
krejčí Ludvík Mráz
Helenina přítelkyně Karla Zemánková
tanečnice Boby
člen předsednictva záložny Klandr
oficiálová, host na večeři u Čápů
umělec v převlékání Mr. Fredoli/číšník ve vlaku
vrchní v kavárně Terno
host v kavárně
host v kavárně
gigolo v kavárně
tančící host v kavárně
žena s děckem ve vlaku
vrátný v hotelu
hotelový sluha
host na večeři u Čápů
host na večeři u Čápů
paní řídící, host na večeři u Čápů
pomocník ve varieté
pomocník ve varieté
pomocník ve varieté
oponář ve varieté
tanečnice z tanečního dua ve varieté
tanečník z tanečního dua ve varieté
pěvecká skupina
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich WermuthBedřich Šulc
Singer František PaulFanda MrázekJindřich Plachta
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich WermuthBedřich Šulc
Singer R. A. DvorskýMelody Boys
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich Wermuth
Singer Theodor PištěkAntonie Nedošinská
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich WermuthBedřich Šulc
Barbora řádí
Barbora řádí
Raging Barbora
Barbara rast
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 4 February 1935 (ateliéry)
end of filming 19 February 1935 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 04/1935
date of censorship 05/1940
date of censorship 05/1941
date of censorship 15 June 1942 (konec povolení k promítání 30. 6. 1943)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 10/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 12 April 1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hollywood /2 týdny/ a Světozor /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
86 min
2 440 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles