Kalafuna the musician brings up an orphan called Švanda in his family. The lad plays the bagpipes at various festivities but he is too poor to be able to marry his girlfriend Dorotka. Her father, Trnka, gamekeeper at a stately home, would prefer his daughter to marry the clerk. Inspired by the tales told by a retired soldier, Švanda goes off to Turkey to make a reputedly sad princess laugh. In Constantinople he is joined by a wily fellow Czech, Vocílka, who becomes his secretary. He manages to make the miserable princess chuckle and she then decides to marry him. The Sultan generously rewards Švanda and consents to the marriage. At this time Dorotka, who has been missing Švanda, arrives at the palace with Kalafuna. Vocílka declares that Dorotka and Kalafuna are insane and, the terrified Švanda not defending them, they are both thrown into gaol. Soon prince Alamír, bridegroom of princess Zulika, has Švanda arrested and condemns him to death. Vocílka escapes with the money. Švanda saves himself from execution by playing his bagpipes. Dorotka, who is also allowed to leave, is angry with Švanda. He goes to play in Prague. There he meets a princess who tells him she is his long-lost mother. She gives him her domain and he is able to marry his beloved Dorotka.
Made on the 90th anniversary of the writing of the play on which it is based, The Bagpiper from Strakonice (1847).
dudák Švanda
Dorotka Trnková
hajný Trnka, Dorotčin otec
muzikant Kalafuna
Kordula, Kalafunova žena
zpěvák, Švandův přítel
houslista, Švandův přítel
Pantaleon Vocílka
princezna Zulika
sultán, Zuličin otec
princ Alamír, snoubenec Zuliky
panský správce
chasník v hospodě
vysloužilec Šavlička
písař ze zámku pan Johan
Terezka, matka Johanova dítěte
komorník ze zámku
hostinský v Cařihradu
velitel princovy stráže
člen popravčí čety
návštěvník hospody
návštěvník hospody
návštěvník hospody
host v hostinci
host v hostinci
Jindřich Fiala, Václav Švarc (adept režie)
Josef Kajetán Tyl (Strakonický dudák – divadelní hra)
Richard Frolík (fotograf), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Theodor Pištěk
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Josef Gruss
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Theodor Pištěk
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Josef Gruss
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Jaroslav Gleich
Singer mužský sbor
Singer Jaroslav Gleich
Singer Jaroslav Gleich
Singer mužský sbor
Singer Jiří Dohnalmužský sbor
Singer mužský sbor
Singer mužský sbor
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Švanda dudák
Švanda dudák
Švanda, the Bagpiper
Švanda, der Dudelsackpfeifer
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 19 May 1937
end of filming 4 June 1937
date of censorship 07/1937 (kulturně-výchovný)
withdrawal from distribution 04/1940
date of censorship 04/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 20 April 1942 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 28 November 1944 (predikát „lidově hodnotný film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 30 July 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hollywood /1 týden/, Hvězda /2 týdny/ a Kotva /1 týden/, Praha)
renewed premiere 12/1944 /suitable for youths/
Kinofilm Brno (zadavatel), Josef Kabeláč
Kinofilm Brno (původní 1937), Kosmos (obnovená 1944)
feature film
93 min
2 655 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Státní záruky Československé vlády na výrobu filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Kinofilm Brno
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