Owner of a horticultural nursery, Matěj Brabenec, is bringing up his five daughters with his old assistant Pazdera. Their tranquil life is suddenly turned on its head when they become rich. Matěj, a band leader, accidentally hits a paralysed millionaire with his bugle; as a result the cripple recovers the use of his legs and in gratitude gives Matěj a vast sum of money. Matěj thereupon buys a villa and moves into it with his daughters, and he starts to lead a new life. He does not suspect that the sale of the villa was in fact only faked by a certain Irena, the lover of the impoverished owner. Irena furthermore manages to insinuate herself into Matěj's affections and bit by bit cheats him of all his money. The daughters are displeased by their father's spendthrift ways and get engaged to men in the staff despite father's objections. When he forbids his daughters to marry them, the daughters all leave the villa and move back in with with Pazdera at the nursery. They live happily there, the nursery prospers, and the eldest daughter, Máňa, is the first to have a child. Two years later the father, now absolutely beggared, turns up on their doorstep; he is embarrassed to introduce himself, but the daughters recognise him and forgive him.
zahradník a kapelník Matěj Brabenec
Máňa, Matějova dcera
Růža, Matějova dcera
Vlasta, Matějova dcera
Božka, Matějova dcera
Liduška, Matějova dcera
zahradník Pazdera, Matějův kamarád
zahradnický pomocník Pepa Chládek
majitel vily Vilém Parbus
Irena Ludlesová, Parbusova milenka
kuchař Tonda Švejda
řidič Václav Srbek
komorník Albert Malý
notář Drbovzal
vyvolávač na pouti
muzikant s basou
muzikant s pozounem
muzikant s klarinetem
muzikant s houslemi
muzikant s bubnem
muzikant s klarinetem
vrchní U hroznu
křepčící dědeček
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
bankovní úředník
milionář Herbert Jackson
řidič milionáře Jacksona
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jára Beneš)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Hana VítováJára KohoutFrantišek Paul
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Oldřich Kovář
Singer Antonín Novotný
U svatého Matěje
U svatého Matěje
At St. Matthew's
Bei heiligen Mathias / Bei hlg. Mathias
U sv. Matěje
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 20 August 1939
end of filming 09/1939
date of censorship 10/1939 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 3. 1942)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 3 December 1945 (konec povolení k promítání 3. 12. 1946)
withdrawal from distribution 20 February 1946
premiere 27 October 1939 /suitable for youths/ (kina Metro /2 týdny/, Praha /1½ týdne/ a Ráj /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 11 December 1945 /inaccessible for youths/
feature film
86 min
2 460 meters
black & white
without subtitles