Master clockmaker Josef Božek installs a new clock in the main tower in Hradec Králové - the largest and most precise clock in the Austrian monarchy. As he does so, he looks back on his life with its moments of joy, but also disappointments and sorrow. After his arrival in Prague in 1805 the technically proficient young man, obsessed with new inventions, was successful with his cutting machine, even though he looked on with regret as the workers criticized him for taking work away from them. Božek also constructed an artificial hand for the invalid Svoboda. He married his beloved Josefinka. He was subsequently unable to complete his studies at the polytechnic, prevented from doing so by the arrogant director of that institution, Gerstner. He was also unsuccessful as a tutor in the services of Count Clam-Martinic. His hopes were revived after meeting Count Buquoy, through whose mediation he was able to become well acquainted with Watt's steam engine. Then Božek began to devise a vehicle driven by steam. After months of exhausting work and debts his machine set off. The burgrave was the first passenger to ride in it in public. Immediately afterwards he allowed his Josefinka to travel in it which enraged members of the nobility. When the machine accidently ran over a lapdog belonging to one of the ladies, panic erupted, which brought his fame and success to an end. After this incident, Božek could never work on his inventions again.
vynálezce a mechanik Josef Božek
Josefina Longová, později Božkova žena
profesor František Gerstner, ředitel polytechniky
Gerstnerová žena
student Tony, syn Gerstnerových
profesor Josef Havle
purkrabí Wallis
Wallisová, žena purkrabího
policejní prezident Czech
hraběnka Clam-Martinicová
hrabě Clam-Martinic
arcibiskup Salm ze Salmů
hrabě Buquoy
Alois Alois Knopp, majitel továrny na sukno
Knoppova žena
kolářský mistr Václav Svoboda
Svobodová, kolářova žena
Václav, syn Svobodových
Prokůpek, syn Svobodových jako mladík
Prokůpek, syn Svobodových jako dospělý
forman Zachariáš
hodinář Heinrich
purkrabí hrabě Kolowrat
hraběnka Kolowratová
hodinář Dietrich
zřízenec na polytechnice Brdéčko
úředník v zastavárně
správce Wimmer
lékař Held
měšťan na shromáždění
dělník u Knoppa
dělník u Knoppa Anton Hýbl
dáma na produkci
dáma na produkci
hrabě Šternberk
starý voják
dozorce u Knoppa
majitel přádelny
sluha u Clam-Martiniců
páter Bartolomeo
malý hrabě Karel Jan Clam-Martinic
francouzský důstojník
dělník u Knoppa
revoltující dělník u Knoppa
šlechtic na shromáždění
dělník u Knoppa
úředník u Knoppa
dělník u Knoppa
Jaroslav Beránek, Hubert Novotný (asistent scény)
Jaroslav R. Vávra (Pára v hrnci – román)
Jaroslav Frýda, Václav Kutil
Ing. František Rott (historie techniky), J. M. Gottlieb
Václav Hojda (fotograf), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)
Singer J. O. Martin
Posel úsvitu
Posel úsvitu
The Herald of Dawn
featuretheatrical distribution
the first film copy approved 12/1950
date of censorship 24 January 1951 (konec povolení k promítání 24. 1. 1956)
withdrawal from distribution 12 July 1961
premiere 28 September 1951 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /3 týdny/, Moskva /4 týdny/, Dukla /1 týden od 19. 10./ a Odboj /1 týden od 19. 10./, Praha)
I. tvůrčí kolektiv Otakara Vávry, Otakar Vávra (vedoucí I. tvůrčího kolektivu)
feature film
123 min
3 493 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German, French
without subtitles
Festival: 6. mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary / Czechoslovakia