Despite their interest in the medium of film, during the era of the First Republic actors Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich devoted much of their professional energies to the Prague-based avant-garde Osvobozené divadlo (The Liberated Theatre). This meant only two film outings, namely the socially-themed comedies Hej-Rup! (Heave-Ho!, 1934) and Svět patří nám (The World Belongs to Us, 1937), both directed by Martin Frič. Both films have a left-wing take on the 1930s Great Depression era. Today, these entries serve as a testament to the talents of their makers (along with co-writer Václav Wassermann they went under the joint pseudonym “Formen” – or “four men”). In the film, the V+W comic duo portray bankrupted factory owner Jakub Simonides (Werich) and unemployed worker Filip Kornet (Voskovec). The social ideal arising from the joining of forces by our unemployed protagonists against an evil capitalist is far more in a light-hearted comedic sense than later era communist propaganda. Many other performers from The Liberated Theatre also join the cast.
Millionaire Worst decides to destroy a competing firm through subterfuge. He detains industrialist Jakub Simonides at cards for a period of five days in a club and in the meantime everything is being prepared on the stock exchange to deprive Simonides of all his properties. In the club Simonides happens to hear the broadcasted speech of unemployed Filip Kornet and the young man interests Simonides so much that he offers Kornet a job as his secretary. Yet when the two go to his villa, Simonides discovers that he is no longer the owner of either a factory or a villa. Therefore he leaves with Filip to look for work. The young Marta brings Jakub his wallet that he left at the club. In it Jakub finds the title to his house which has escaped the notice of the auctioneer's of his property. The threesome sets out to Simonides's house at once. It comes out that this concerns an unfinished construction. Because neither Filip nor Simonides are competent at construction work, they decide to invite the unemployed. All of them then are the owners of the new building, calling themselves 'hejrupáci' (heave-hoers), and they deposit their profits into a joint fund. So Worst again has a competitor, who he tries to destroy in the same manner as before. But the heave-hoers do not fall for it and they eventually become shareholders in Worst's enterprise. Everything ends in an idyll: Simonides, Filip, and Marta spend a pleasant Sunday outside the town as the ordinary members of the collective.
The film was presented at the 3rd Venice Film Festival, 1935. During filming the work became known as Hej rup!, which weakend the semantic distinction of the phrase. The film had, in fact, previously been named after the dairy cooperative Hej-Rup.
nezaměstnaný dělník Filip Kornet
továrník Jakub Simonides
barmanka Marta
Worst, prezident konzervářského průmyslu
Brown, ředitel Simonidesova koncernu
majitel vily, filatelista
nezaměstnaný Václav Mašl
nezaměstnaný strojní inženýr František Novák
nezaměstnaný gigolo
rozhlasový inspicient
zřízenec u Worsta
Kateřina, majitelka noclehárny U Kateřiny
člen správní rady
člen správní rady
člen správní rady
člen správní rady
člen správní rady
telefonistka u Simonidesa
zaměstnanec rozhlasu
zaměstnanec rozhlasu
zaměstnanec rozhlasu
vrátný v rozhlasu
komorník u Simonidesa
Joachim, komorník u Simonidesa
sluha u ředitele Browna
policejní komisař
akcionář na burze
akcionář na burze
matka v lese
babička v lese
F. Formen, Martin Frič, Jiří Voskovec, Václav Wasserman, Jan Werich
F. Formen, Martin Frič, Jiří Voskovec, Václav Wasserman, Jan Werich
A. L. Salač (interiéry)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr Osvobozeného divadla (Music Conducted by Jaroslav Ježek), Orchestr F.O.K.
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Writer of Lyrics Jan WerichJiří Voskovec
Singer Jan WerichJiří Voskovec
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Writer of Lyrics Jan WerichJiří Voskovec
Singer Jan WerichJiří Voskovecsbor
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Singer Jan Werich
Hej rup! – Chceme žít! / Ze dne na den
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, satire
start of filming 13 July 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 29 July 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 10/1934
date of censorship 07/1938 (maďarsky namluvená jazyková mutace)
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
date of censorship 08/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
withdrawal from distribution 1 October 1993
preview 25 October 1934 (kino Alfa, Praha)
premiere 26 October 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Alfa /5 týdnů/, Praha)
premiere 07/1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (maďarsky namluvená jazyková mutace)
renewed premiere 07/1949 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 12 March 1954 /suitable for youths/
Meissner (původní 1934), Kinofilm Brno (maďarsky dabovaná jazyková mutace 1938), Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (obnovená 1949 a 1954)
feature film
110 min
3 135 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, Hungarian
Czech, Hungarian, Russian
without subtitles
Czech, Hungarian
Festival: 1. sovětský filmový festival Moskva
Moskva / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Event: Čestné diplomy časopisu Filmové listy
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Martin Frič
Festival: 3. mezinárodní filmový festival Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Event: Stuhy časopisu Český filmový zpravodaj
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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